Valda Bailey - Fragile (Signed)

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Signed 1st edition published by TripleKite, 2016
Format: Hardback, 245x245mm
Pages: 48
Condition: Very Good.

‘The work in this book is an attempt to reconcile some of the conflicting aspects that are of interest to me in the landscape. The images here are an investigation into how the most fragile elements seem to have their very existence challenged and their vulnerability magnified when set against the strength and solidity of their surroundings.
I am fascinated by all manner of contrasts and contradictions and the work in this book is an attempt to reconcile some of the conflicting aspects that are of interest to me in the landscape. In much the same way as a colour will appear most luminous when placed next to a non-colour, ie grey, or its opposing colour in the colour wheel, so it is in nature.
The images here are an investigation into how the most fragile elements seem to have their very existence challenged and their vulnerability magnified when set against the strength and solidity of their surroundings.
Fragility can be conveyed in many ways. It can be expressed with light or shape or colour or movement and I hope this diversity is represented here. Paradoxically, fragile elements often appear to embody a tenacity and strength which refers back to the contradictions mentioned above. It is the embodiment of all these characteristics that I have tried to portray in this book.
I have set forth my intentions behind the images here, however I hope the viewer will feel free to place their own interpretation on what they see."